Monday, August 25, 2008

About Conception at DTS

CONCEPTION is the first stage in the process of planting a church. As students in seminary interested in planting churches, three pictures come to mind. One picture is that of a seed. Another picture is that of a plowed field of dirt. The last picture is a double helix of DNA.

A seed is dormant yet possesses the potential to grow and produce a living organism. Time spent in seminary is a time to absorb, nourish and develop a deeper understanding of God that will fuel our passion for the work he has called us to. Just like the seed has potential to produce a living plant, God has a plan for our lives to join him in his mission to bear fruit for the kingdom.

When you look at a plowed field of dirt you cannot see any evidence of life, but the seeds are under the ground. Hidden under the ground, they will take on water and nutrients as they prepare to emerge above the soil, grow, produce fruit and reproduce more seeds. Gathering students interested in church planting on campus will provide an opportunity for students to sharpen one another in character and in the process of church planting. It is possible that during seminary a church will not be produced. This is okay, because just as a freshly plowed and planted field has no visible produce, activity is still occurring under the soil. Spending time with others interested in church planting and planters with first hand experience can enhance seminary preparation by building strong relationships, sharing ideas and developing a life long support network. By establishing these relationships it is also possible that church planting teams would be launched from campus all across the world to make known the manifold wisdom of God.

DNA provides the blueprints to instruct cells how to grow. What you see in a human is an expression of the material and information in the DNA. Conception seeks to facilitate the opportunity to crystallize ideas and vision for new churches and church planting. Just as DNA is expressed in people, the vision for a new church will be expressed when the church is born and grows toward maturity. It is important to work out details and refine a clear vision for a new church. As relationships are formed among church planters on campus they can sharpen, challenge and discuss their vision to cyrstalize these crucial steps in the conception stage.

These are just some of the possible outcomes from creating synergy among church planters on campus. Join us to share your ideas and take advantage of this networking opportunity!! Keep checking the blog for updates or subscribe.